My publications, My conferences, Google Scholar profile, AMU Poznan Omega PSiR


2024-now: Participation in the MultiCo group within the project DARIAH.hub: Digital Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Arts DARIAH-PL funded from the European funds for Poland’s recovery and resilience plan (KPO). Head of the AMU team: Brygida Sawicka-Stępińska. 

2023: Natural language processing expert for the project Crisis Detector – crisis symptoms detection system in media information streams (id. POIR.01.01.01-00-0288/22-00) PSMM sp. z o.o.

2022-now: Participation in the project Examination of disordered speech and primary functions using CARSTENS AG501 articulograph and Acoustic Field Distribution Analyzer (head of the project: Anita Lorenc).

2021-2023: The head of the AMU team within the project: Dariah.Lab Digital Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Arts DARIAH-PL funded from the Intelligent Development Operational Program, Polish National Center for Research and Development (id. POIR.04.02.00-00-D006/20).

2020-2024: Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

2020-2024: Participation in the project MuMoStance: Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in German Bundestag and Polish Sejm (head of the Polish team: Maciej Karpiński, head of the German team: Cornelia Müller; Beethoven project, funded by Polish National Science Centre)

2019-2020: Visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. Among others: organizing collaborative activities and a workshop dedicated to language documentation (eg. Innovative Methodologies & Documentation); documenting the Polish minority in Texas (e.g. Interviews, Music).

2019-now: Member of the steering group of the DELAD Initative to establish and share a digital archive of disordered speech.

2019-2020: The head of the project: Infant-directed and adult-directed speech: preliminary investigation with Carstens AG501 Articulograph (Mowa kierowana do dzieci i dorosłych: badanie wstępne z użyciem artykulografu Carstens AG501). Project funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (id: 2018/02/X/HS2/03593).

2018: AMU Rector’s Prize for organisational achievements.

2018 – 2023: Participation in the project: CoLing: Minority Languages, Major Opportunities. Collaborative Research, Community Engagement and Innovative Educational Tools. Horizon 2020, MSCA-RISE, Proposal no. 778384  (head of the project: J. Olko, head of the Poznan team: T. Wicherkiewicz, in the period 07.2018-01.2019 head of the Poznan team: Katarzyna Klessa), visit the project’s blog here.

2018-2019: Project manager, Scrum Master, R&D coordinator @ Project: Sentimenti – an emotion analyser for Polish texts. Funded by the EU Operational Programme Smart Growth (replacing for Barbara Konat between 06.2018-02.2019).

from 2018-now : University Professor (from 2019, in the years 2018-2019: assistant professor) at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Department of Multimodal Communication, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU), Poland. Teaching and research work at AMU.

2017-now – Member of the Programme Board of CLARIN-PL (the Polish partner of CLARIN –  European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology).

2017AMU Rector’s Scholarship for scientific achievements.

2017: Habilitation from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (following the resolution of the Habilitation Commission appointed by the Central Degrees and Titles Committee in Warsaw, Poland). More information (in Polish): here.

2017: AMU Rector’s Prize for organisational achievements.

2016 – now : Member of the editorial board of The Phonetician, the official journal of International Society of Phonetic Sciences.

2016 – 2019: The Dean’s Representative for reasearch grants at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

2016 – 2017: Member of the Organizing Committee for GESPIN international conference on gesture and speech in interaction.

2014 – 2020:Section editor (phonetics and phonology) at Open Linguistics journal at De Gruyter Open.

2014-2020: Member of the editorial board of Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies.

2014-2018: Participation in the project: Language of boundaries – boundaries of language. Paralinguistic aspects of intercultural communication. An NPRH-funded research project (head of the project: M. Karpiński)

2013-2018: Participation in the project: NeuroPerKog: Development of the phonematic hearing and working memory in infants and children. A project funded by NCN (head of the project: W. Duch, head of the Poznan team: M. Karpiński)

2011-2014: A scholarship from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for young outstanding scientists (Stypendium dla młodych wybitnych naukowców).

2011-2014: Participation in INNET (Innovative Networking in Infrastructure for Endangered Languages) European FP7 Project on endangered languages (head of the project: N. Himmelmann, D. Jung, head of the Polish team: N. Nau). See:

2012-2013: Participation in a documentary project on Poland’s Linguistic Heritage (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań). Development of a Documentation Database for Endangered Languages (head of the project: T. Wicherkiewicz).

2011-2012: Co-ordination of a research project focusing on the role of paralinguistic and non-linguistic features in the processes of speech and speaker recognition, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, Poznan (the project was a part of a larger project, head of the consortium: G. Demenko, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (Polish Academy of Sciences): Acquisition and Processing of Verbal Information in Military Systems Designed to Prevent and Combat Crime and Terrorism). Reports of the main tasks completed within the project by the team of A. Mickiewicz University Foundation, i.e.: Katarzyna Klessa, Maciej Karpiński, Agnieszka Wagner, and Mariusz Owsianny (in Polish only) 2011, 2012.

2010: Co-ordination of large vocabulary lexical database development for automatic speech recognition (head of the project: G. Demenko, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center).

2009: Linguistic research team-leader in a large vocabulary speech recognition project for the Polish language (head of the project: S. Grocholewski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center)

2009: Participation in EURONOUNCE – Lifelong Learning Programme. Intelligent Language Tutoring System (ILTS) with multimodal feedback functions. A project funded by the European Comission for Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency).

2007-2009: Co-ordination of an LVCSR (large vocabulary speech recognition) speech corpus (JURISDIC) annotation in an LVCSR project for the Polish language (head of the project: G. Demenko)

2006 – 2018: Assistant professor (Adjunct),  Institute of Linguistics, Department of Phonetics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU), Poland. Teaching and research work at AMU.

2006: PhD thesis: Analysis of Segmental Duration for Polish Speech Synthesis Purposes (Analiza iloczasu głoskowego na potrzeby syntezy mowy polskiej).  Supervisor: Prof. UAM dr hab eng. Grażyna Demenko.

2003-2006: Participation in unit selection speech synthesis project  (co-operation of Adam Mickiewicz University and The University of Bonn)

2001-2003: Participation in the Polish Intonation (PoInt) research project (Adam Mickiewicz University, head of the project: M. Karpiński)

2003: Participation in a diphone speech synthesis research project for Polish (co-operation between Adam Mickiewicz University and The Technical University of Budapest)

2001-2006 PhD studies –  Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, The Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

2001-2006: Teacher of English, research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (Department of Psycholinguistics, Department of Phonetics)

2001: MA thesis: Vowel Formants in the Speech of Hearing-Impaired Children (Formanty samogłoskowe w mowie dzieci niesłyszących). Supervising Professor: Prof. dr hab Piotra Łobacz

1996-2001: MA studies, Linguistics and Information Science – The Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

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